Like every other small business, Cook Underground, Inc. has felt the impact of the Michigan Economy. This winter, Dan will be making some extra money by driving around in a bus.
Because he already had his CDL license, it was a matter of him taking some “bus driving” classes over the past weeks before he could officially “drive” kids around.
He will start by driving the “field trip” bus for Tyler and Eyli’s school. And hopefully, he will be able to pick up some shifts as a “sub” at local schools in the area.
Last week, he took his first field trip to Grand Rapids with the WMAAA 4th graders.
Phone Call –
Kristie: West Michigan Academy, this is Kristie.
Dan: Hello, this is the WMAAA Bus Driver.
Kristie: Yes, what can I do for you?
Dan: I am just calling to let dispatch know that the 4th grade has safely arrived at their destination.
Kristie: We don’t have any “dispatch” here.
Dan: (I know, babe, I’m suppose to call into “dispatch” when we arrive.)
Kristie: OHHHH, Ok, thank you for calling, Bus-Driver!!
Dan: I will let you know when we leave to come back to school.
Kristie: Will you take me on a date tonight?
(The Bus Driver is HOT!)