Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dear Andy -

Yesterday I got to babysit for these cuties. The first thing I realized is that Brecken is almost as big as Dominic, now.All I can say is -

Thank goodness for:
  • Comcast ON DEMAND (Little Einsteins & Mickey)
  • The Snack Cupboard
  • The Piano
  • and this VASE thingy that Dom has LOVED since he was born

I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving Weekend. We miss you around here.

Your Big Sis
(and your little boys)


Grandma KIM said...

What would we do without "Little Einstein and Mickey"??? I LOVE to watch the boys watching these shows. Dominic is all engulfed in what he is supposed to be learning and then Brecken is all engulfed in what Big Brother is SO INTERESTED in! As if to say, "Hey Dom, what the heck are you watching?" "I want to be JUST LIKE YOU so I guess I'll watch too!"
They are both SOOOOOO CUTE!

David Hulings said...

Well, since we free load off of Dan and Kristie what a surprise to come "home" and see the two of them. They are so cute and cuddly. And, yes, Brecken has to weigh as much as Dom does. He fell asleep on my chest and about crushed me. Also, he is like an oven. You don't need the heat on when you hold him. Karrie and Andy have have two great kids. They must come from great stock.