Saturday, September 6, 2008

Worship! - What, it's not Wednesday?

In my quest to figure out what Worship is, I have been doing MANY things.

Here are a few of them:
1. Reading and studying the Bible.
2. Surveying random people, "What does Worship mean to you?".
3. Reading other blogs, and books about Worship.
4. Attending a weekly Bible Study centered around the True Meaning of Worship.

A new visitor to my blog, Rachel - wrote an exceptional explanation of WORSHIP in her February post How do you Worship? She recently was a guest blogger with that same post over at Women In Worship. If you have a few minutes today, please check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great post! hehe Thanks for checking it out. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ;)