Sunday, July 20, 2008


Sunday is my favorite!!
Have I said that before?
Yep, I have.

I don't have pictures or video to share.
I don't have a compelling message of God's word to share.
I don't have a funny play on words to share.

I just know that today I had a TON of fun WORSHIPING God.
And I couldn't go to sleep without sharing that.

Sundays are the best.


David Hulings said...

Hey, if you are going to the Falls and through Canada, you have to have a passport! You can't go into Canada without a passport. Did you know that?

SoulTattoo said...

I was planning to ask you about it. I hadnt seen anything on the blog lately so I wondered! Love Sundays too - I am ready to get into a study - I miss that regular study time!

Kristie said...


Not if you are traveling by Land.
Only Air and Sea.
At least until September 09.
They extended it.

Unless the World Wide Web is wrong.
Which is possible.

I guess we would spend 4 days in Detroit, then. Fun!

Kristie said...


I know - Do you guys go to a Study every week? We should start one.....

PS: Would love to sing with you sometime, again!!

mandy said...

wow. this post hit me ~ in a good way.

so ~ can you maybe email me... or leave a comment on my blog... or write a post, but tell me why you have fun worshiping? what is it about your experience that blesses you so much?

i'm asking as a worship leader, a worship leader who wants her church members to enjoy worship...

any thoughts?

Kristie said...

Thanks for the comment!

I'll shoot you an email - but, mostly, on Sundays I have the privilege of leading others in worship, on the worship team at Lakeshore Community Church. I am humbled and in AWE realizing GOD can use ME to lead others in WORSHIP....