Thursday, July 3, 2008

The mysterious ticking noise......

Inspired by the famous 'Harry Potter's Puppet Pals', Tyler has always wanted to do a production of 'The Mysterious Ticking Noise'. He finally got his wish today, when his cousins came over for a visit, and he convinced them to perform.

Here is a look at what they are trying to do.....

The finished product.....

Happy 4th of July!

In case you can't get enough......
An out-take - Watch for Dudley to get in on the action! Even my dog is entertaining....


David Hulings said...

Dudley showed us his best side!!

Those kids have talent. When we get home from our ride we expect to see a full production. We think each one of them deserve a large, juicy, long, sticky lick on the forehead.

RudysBoy said...

Yeah, that was cool. Reminds me of when I was a kid. Tirza, our 2 brother, and I would act out scenes from Mork and Mindy. Respect to the scene-stealing dog. That was awesome!