Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Have you seen my NORTHFACE?

I LOST my favorite FLIGHT SERIES NORTHFACE - It looks like this. I wear it EVERY DAY, so you probably didn't need the visual, if you see me alot. Dan and I are leaving for a WEEK LONG motorcycle trip on Sunday. I REALLY hate riding without my favorite NORTHFACE.

Did you take it?
Did I leave it at your house?
Will you buy me a new one?


Anonymous said...

not @ our house sister. . . or atleast i haven't seen it! i will do a search down tonight!
p.s. love the new blog!

SoulTattoo said...

I love mine too (just picked it up as a matter of fact...) Just Joking - I have had mine for a year - Is this your Plum colored one or black? I would freak if I lost mine and PS I wish I COULD buy you a new one - I WILL however pray that it turns up soon! T*Bomb

David Hulings said...

We don't have it but we just mailed you a great Harley Shirt. We sent a box today from Lake Tahoe, with two packages inside. One has our shirts (some clean and some not) they other has gifts for you all (even Dudley). So, look for it. But, the Northface is not in there. I have mine and only wore it once. Miss you all. Like the new look.