Kristie: (FAST ASLEEP, in bed) ZZZzzzz….ZZZZZzzzz…
Dan: (Just Arriving home from Ski Club, WIDE AWAKE) Hey, wake up!! You’ve got some mail!!
Kristie: Honey, I’m sleepy….
Dan: But, I just got the mail, and you got a postcard.
Kristie: Honey, I don't care about mail .
Dan: But, It’s from Andy!
Kristie: What? COOL! Andy wrote me a letter? (WIDE AWAKE, sitting up in bed)
Dan: Yep, here it is.
Kristie: (Annoyed) Honey, this is the self addressed/stamped postcard I sent to him.
Dan: OHHHH, I wondered why his handwriting looked like yours.
Kristie: (More Annoyed that I am now WIDE AWAKE) I'm going back to sleep.
Three things I learned from this conversation:
- Even though I set up his computer to “Automatically Show” my blog’s web address when he opens the EXPLORER icon, MY HUSBAND still does not read my blog.
- Even though my brother is a HULINGS, he still isn’t smart enough to realize that he didn’t need to put another stamp on the postcard, as I had already stamped it.
- As far as I’m concerned, there is still no reason to check the mailbox.
Now I'm really bummed. I sent him a post card before you and he never sent it to me. Maybe I put the wrong address on it.
You'd think your husband would have learned BY don't wake up a sleeping wife for ANYTHING....except maybe a fire in the house, (a BIG fire,it'd have to be "life threatening";)) or a REAL postcard from your brother!
Jerry has made THAT mistake TWICE in the years of our relationship.......I think he's got it now! Took him 2 times.....but he has learned it better be pretty DARN important to wake me up !
(us mother's need our sleep at night....we do EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY all day long!;) )
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