Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eyliana's Christmas Performance

She's the little dancer in the middle of the screen. If you look really closely, you can see her cousin, David, dancing 2 spots to the RIGHT.

Don't miss the KICK LINE at the end. Too cute!

(Don't mind mommy's camera flashing every 5 seconds)


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO EYLI AND DAVID!!!!!! I LOVE the little "hip shake" about 1/2 way threw too!
Watching this made me a little "teary" ~~ REALLY makes me miss the academy!

Grandma KIM said...

Sorry I had to miss it :-( but watching this video was ALMOST as good as being there! GREAT JOB Eyli!! You look like a professional dancer! (along with your cousin) But you looked better in the leotard :-) he,he,he!
Grandma loves you!