Saturday, July 2, 2011

What are you waiting for?

To some music is just noise, but to others its a language that can speak...... You can feel the bass pound in your chest like a separate heart beat. To some the lyrics are just words, but to others.... pain, love, happiness and so much more. Music is in everything, even when you don't notice it. Music is the world. -Blare "Danger" Hulings
As my nephew wrote the words above...and published them on facebook
I was driving down the road....drinking my STARBUCKS
You know...any other day
A song came on the radio
& Tears immediately came to my eyes.

You see, MUSIC can be more powerful than just words
It takes you back to another time, another place
And sometimes reminds you of
Where you are NOW
And how you got THERE.

My realization that day became
Wow, Im not sure I would have had the COURAGE
To leave THIS, and move to THIS,
To take the first step into the UNKNOWN
To be used by God
Without listening to THIS SONG
Like 99 times a day for a whole year....

So what are you waiting for? What do you have to lose?
Your insecurities, they try to hold to you
But you know you're made for more, so don't be afraid to move
Your FAITH is all it takes, and you can walk on the water, too....


blare said...

You also.have a way with words this is awesome :)

Paul and Jackie said...
