Thursday, July 29, 2010

FLASHBACK - Nightime Reading with Katie

When she was little, it was back when your kids didn’t know the whole alphabet BEFORE they went to school. You know, when they actually learned their letters and sounds in Kindergarten. At the time we thought she was the smartest kid in the universe because she loved to learn. All of her nighttime stories consisted of one of the Little Alphabet Books. Little A had a box, and he said “I will fill my box” – and then he proceeded to find little items on his trip that started with the letter A, which he then carried with him in his box.

As I searched for a photo of Katie reading (any) book, you would think I had all of my photographs alphabetized and labeled based on the fact that I found the picture of her 2nd Christmas - where she actually OPENED the books as a gift. (above) But, it was a total mistake that I actually stumbled on this photo at all.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this! My daughter has a partial set of these books but I could not remember their title or author. A little Internet searching, and found your post!