Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why dads usually know best.....

Kristie CookDaniel Cook: hey....BFF.....wanna get pedicures this weekend?? I could use an outing with my best friend....
Daniel CookKristie Cook: Who r u talking too. .I get confused on FB. R u asking me if I want a pedicure? Or someone else. ;)
Kristie CookKristie Cook
well, let's see....i am talking to my best friend...that would be you....which would explain why I wrote on YOUR wall......
Daniel CookDaniel Cook
Okay. I'm not sure how to write on a wall. Black berry is confusing sometimes. ;)
Kristie CookKristie Cook
LOL babe. you crack me up!
Kristie CookKristie Cook
but the real question remains......pedicures?
Kristie CookKristie Cook
by the just 'wrote on a wall' when you posted this.....LOL
Daniel CookDaniel Cook
Okay well u will have to teach me a little more.
Kristie CookKristie Cook
are you avoiding the real question? :)
Daniel CookDaniel Cook
No what the heck r u talking about
Kristie CookKristie Cook
lol .......pedicures.
David HulingsDavid Hulings
Suggestion: call him on the phone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL....I just love you can always make me laugh ;)