Thursday, November 12, 2009

Complete Faith.....

Why do I always wonder what the finish line looks like?

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
Loving life
With these evil people
Somewhere other than
Interacting with me on a daily basis.

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
Doing my job
Smiling at people
Because my enemies
And disappeared off the face of the planet.

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
Evil people
Forgetting about me
After they admit they were wrong
And tell me they are sorry
For targeting me unfairly.

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
being happy.

That’s my problem.
It has nothing to do with MY happiness.
I woke up this morning and realized maybe I’m almost there.

The finish line will look like-
In this same situation God wants me in
Exercising FAITH in the fact
That He has it under control
Where he will deliver justice
In whatever way He sees fit
While I just have to worry about
How I need to honor HIM in all I do
And forget about the rest of it
And maybe even stop blogging about it

Because then I would have

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No matter can NOT stop blogging! =)You always give us something to think about !

Also, the "finish line" you describe sounds a little more like Heaven ;) (where only good things happen, where there's no "enemies", and we only have good feelings all day , everyday)
We're still in everyday life here, where no matter where we are or what we do for a living , there will ALWAYS be people who we have problems with.
We have to have the "bad", to be able to appreciate the "good" ;)