Sunday, September 16, 2012

We are moving!

The Cook's are moving! :)
Needed: 4bdrm, 2bath, house for rent, yard for 4 vehicles, ANY local school district, we have one cute hypoallergenic dog, (if it was near a Starbucks that would be a bonus)....
Oh, and did I mention we would need it fairly quickly? October 6th is moving day!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

And the winner is....

And the winner is.......

#4 - Katie's cupcake has won the 1st annual cupcake wars competition!!

Thank you to all who voted and participated in our birthday fun!
For the curious:

#1 - Kristie
#2 - Dan
#3 - TYLER! (He doesnt like frosting)
#4 - Katie (WINNER!)
#5 - Eyliana (She came in 2nd place!!)

Monday, September 3, 2012

not a fan.

We are working our way through this study in our small group.

not a fan. by kyle idleman

It is a series of videos and a book that is showing me what it means to become a completely committed follower of Christ. Not just someone who is a “Fan” of Jesus, but someone who’s life reflects that I am a “Follower” of Jesus.

My thought for today –
Luke 9:23 – If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

A decision to follow Jesus, is a decision to die to yourself – so, when people say yes to following Jesus, they are agreeing to carry a cross, and that WILL be painful at times. Because a cross symbolizes suffering.

My choice to follow Jesus may result in suffering for His sake….
But, I will also remember my definition of FAITH-
1.   Believe in the word
2.   Act upon it
3.   No matter how you feel
      4. Because God promises a good result

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Flashback FRIDAY .....*REPOST* for my girl Karley!!!

Originally posted in August of 2009.....Karley, this is for you. :)

You know how you hear a sound
or see an image
you are right back
to that time and place
where happiness surrounds you…..

For the next few months,
here at
The LIFE in a DAY of the COOKS,
we will dedicate every FRIDAY
to sharing a piece of OUR
PAST happiness
with you……

Monday, August 27, 2012

Of all the days.....

Of all the days I spent rocking you when you were a tiny baby.
Of all the days I spent listening to you cry in your crib because you wanted to get up to see if you were missing out on something really fun.
Of all the days I spent playing with all of your stuffed animals, even if I didn’t want to.
Of all the days I spent brushing your hair and helping you get dressed.
Of all the days I spent praying that you would just. please. fall. asleep.
Of all the days I spent walking you to preschool, after stopping at the playground to swing.
Of all the days I spent helping you clean paint off of something it shouldn’t be on.
Of all the days I spent hearing you ask me if I wanted to snuggle you.
Of all the days I spent telling you to be quiet when you were whispering in my ear while I was sleeping.
(and you were supposed to be sleeping)
(because everyone was sleeping)
(except you)
Of all the days I spent thinking you were strangely attracted to random bugs and small animals.
Of all the days I spent wishing you would stop wanting to touch me.
Of all the days I spent listening to your very happy chatter.
Of all the days I spent cleaning up the messes you made (I mean the fun you created).
Of all the days I spent watching you play soccer.
Of all the days I spent wondering why you never had to do as many chores as I did.
Of all the days I spent looking at you and how beautiful you are.
Of all the days I spent amazed that you had “yet-again” rescued another daddy long-legs and released him into the wild.
Of all the days I spent hearing other people laugh while you spread happiness.
Of all the days I spent hoping your obsession with lizards would some day vanish.
Of all the days I spent pondering how such a sweet girl could knock somebody over like that on a soccer field.
Of all the days I spent thankful that my kids had the very best Aunt there ever was.
Of all the days I spent watching you design random craft projects that always make other people smile.
Of all the days I spent listening to you sing with your beautiful voice.
Of all the days I spent wondering how one person can see so much innocence and good in this world.
Of all the days I spent listening to you tell me how you saved a bug or random small animal from certain death.
Of all the days I spent wishing my hair looked half as good as yours.
Of all the days I spent drinking coffee with you on the front porch.
Of all the days I spent discussing with you how someday we will take our rainbow back.
Of all the days I spent helping you plan your beautiful day.
Of all the days I spent wondering which guy was the right one.
Of all the days I spent thanking God that you have found the exact right one.
(One who is a blessing and a joy to so many other people…..just like you)
(One who has a giving and caring soul….just like you)
(One who compliments your strengths and strengthens you when you are suffering through your weaknesses)
Of all the days…..Today, I am the most happy for you.
May your beautiful self and your beautiful soul-mate forever be blessed.
I love you. Love, your big sis.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

God at Work

Alot has happened in our family over the past year, and I was beginning to wonder if I stopped blogging because I didn't want anyone to "follow" me and my feelings anymore.....Lately, Dan and I have been focusing our attention on putting God first in our is a small piece of our story....
God At Work: Dan and Kristie Cook from Harvest Spring Lake MI on Vimeo.