Monday, September 3, 2012

not a fan.

We are working our way through this study in our small group.

not a fan. by kyle idleman

It is a series of videos and a book that is showing me what it means to become a completely committed follower of Christ. Not just someone who is a “Fan” of Jesus, but someone who’s life reflects that I am a “Follower” of Jesus.

My thought for today –
Luke 9:23 – If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

A decision to follow Jesus, is a decision to die to yourself – so, when people say yes to following Jesus, they are agreeing to carry a cross, and that WILL be painful at times. Because a cross symbolizes suffering.

My choice to follow Jesus may result in suffering for His sake….
But, I will also remember my definition of FAITH-
1.   Believe in the word
2.   Act upon it
3.   No matter how you feel
      4. Because God promises a good result

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