Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sixteen years feels like a week

But, when did she get so big?

But, when did she stop needing diapers?

But, when did her pudgy wrists disappear?

But, when did she stop wearing those little footy pajamas?

But, when did she stop needing a bottle in the middle of the night?

But, when did she stop carrying that silky little blanket around?

But, when did she start going to high-school? When did boys start coming over to my house to see her? When did she start interviewing for jobs? When did she learn to drive?

Sixteen years feels like a week.

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Baby Girl.
We love you always,
Mom and Dad


Grandma KIM said...

How precious...what a beautiful baby girl.........well, a 16 year old young woman. (sigh)
Happy Birthday Katie!

Unknown said...

I love the pictures! Happy birthday, Katie!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You 2 look like a couple of kids yourselves! ;) You all grew up together! =)
Happy sweet 16 baby girl! xoxoxo

Paul and Jackie said...

I hope Katie realizes what strong and amazing parents she has! What a great reminder of God's grace and love!

Anonymous said...

Kristie, this was absolutely amazing and so touching! You two were babies when you had her ! The pics and your note so darling. Time has a way of speeding past us without us even realizing it, doesn't it? You and Dan are a trully blessed couple and your memories you share on your blog reflect your deep love for one another. May God continue to bless your lives always! xoxox

dnwu said...
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