Friday, November 27, 2009


***NEW PHOTOS** This is the actual picture after the accident -

It was A LONG TIME AGO at 4 pm. Because I was only allowed to watch TV for an hour a day, I reserved the TV for the time when the 2nd greatest show came on – Different Strokes. [The 1st greatest show being – MacGyver] I had seen every episode, so the day seemed pretty normal. As I recall, my mom was making dinner in the kitchen, and I was watching TV in my parent’s bedroom. The typical kitchen smells hung in the air. My brothers weren’t bothering me at the time, because they were outside playing with their friends, so I was as HAPPY as can be.

The sound was one I could never describe in words, yet will never forget.
The screeching of car tires.
My first thought – “That was a weird sound”
My second thought – “I wonder if my mom heard that”
My third thought – “I wonder why it seemed so close to our house”
My fourth thought became verbal – “MOM?”
No answer.
No answer.
Hmm. I could still smell the dinner on the stove.
No answer.
That was when I began to panic.
I ran to the kitchen to see the back door wide open.
Mom was gone.
I heard screaming from outside.
I ran out into the driveway and saw my mom holding my little brother in the road.

The car had hit him straight on.
I froze.
He wasn’t moving, so I assumed the worst.
My thoughts were jumbled, but mostly I felt guilt. Guilt for previously feeling HAPPY that he had been outside, instead of bothering me inside.

By the grace of GOD, Andy made it through the day with nothing but a few scratches on his face.

As Thanksgiving passes I am reminded that saying, “I’m thankful for my family” can become cliché.
In fact, yesterday I made a list of the things I was thankful for,
On the top of my list was: family
When I typed the word – I said, “DUH” – and moved to the next thing on my list.
But, honestly, I am thankful today for my siblings.

This could quite possibly be the first picture of the four us. I have no idea why my hair looks like that, or why Tony looks like he’s on drugs.

I spent some quality time with them today, and thanked God for annoying brothers, and sisters who get whatever they want.....

Thanksgiving family pictures

This is the best we could do.....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WAIT, Where does the BLUE one go?

This was the scene in my living room tonight.

I think it started out as, "Dad, those cords are all sloppy - can we straighten them out, it looks horrible!"

2 hours &
1 trip to meijers &
2 trips to dads trailer for parts &
4 trips to garage for tools &
10 trips down to utility room to find LIVE cable feed &
1 trip out to dads trailer to bring in HIS cable box &
moving wireless router and modem to behind the TV &
1 trip down to my bedroom to get my cable box &
6 times telling Dudley to get out of the way &
10 minutes to stop and eat dinner.....

Our cable is working.
And our internet is working.

When Dad and Dan get together, there is NO TELLING what can happen. And now they got Tyler to help them out. (Thank goodness, he's the smart one of the bunch)

I am reminded of a time SO long ago....
It was October of 1994, and I believe it started when dad called Dan and said, "Hey Danny, what are you guys doing right now?....."

Oops, nevermind.
Doesn't it feel like Friday?......

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I heart..... son,
and his incredible
"tech mind"...
As he just
successfully FIXED
my printer by
taking it apart
and putting it back together.
he even had a piece left over
he just said
"I'll just use this to PICK MY TEETH"
and walked away.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

FLASHBACK "Saturday?" [sorry]

You only get just one time around
You only get one shot at this
One chance, to find out
The one thing that you don't wanna miss
One day when it's all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough, this
One ride, one try, one life...
To love....

Because I'm still sorting through video of our New York Trip......
It was STILL July of 2007, and......

We ordered STARBUCKS for the first time in NYC.....

We met Regis and Kelly (well OK, we just talked to them).....

I played on the piano from the movie- BIG.....

Congratulations Tyler!

Tyler continues to amaze us by his ability to act on stage. This week he successfully starred in the school's production of "All I really needed to know I learned by being in a bad play" - which was a spoof on the ins-and-outs of theatre & actors. Tyler's "I'm not wearing any pants?" scene was a side-splitter, as the whole play had an extra emphasis on HUMOR.

Congratulations, Tyler!
When you make it to Hollywood some day, don't forget about your poor parents..........

Friday, November 13, 2009

Flashback FRIDAY - I miss my Harley

It was July of 2007 and Dan and I were blessed to be able to take a 2-week motorcycle trip to the East Coast and back. I am not sure I ever had as much FUN as I did those 2 weeks. After reviewing some video footage, I found a couple of my favorite clips from the trip.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Complete Faith.....

Why do I always wonder what the finish line looks like?

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
Loving life
With these evil people
Somewhere other than
Interacting with me on a daily basis.

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
Doing my job
Smiling at people
Because my enemies
And disappeared off the face of the planet.

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
Evil people
Forgetting about me
After they admit they were wrong
And tell me they are sorry
For targeting me unfairly.

I keep thinking the finish line should look like-
being happy.

That’s my problem.
It has nothing to do with MY happiness.
I woke up this morning and realized maybe I’m almost there.

The finish line will look like-
In this same situation God wants me in
Exercising FAITH in the fact
That He has it under control
Where he will deliver justice
In whatever way He sees fit
While I just have to worry about
How I need to honor HIM in all I do
And forget about the rest of it
And maybe even stop blogging about it

Because then I would have

Saturday, November 7, 2009

When will it be finished?

I couldn’t come up with the words on my own,
so, I stole these words.

The last year of my life:
Those who hate me without cause are more numerous than the hairs on my head. These enemies who seek to destroy me are doing so without cause. They attack me with lies.

I cried:
Arise O Lord, in anger!
Stand up against the fury of my enemies!
Wake up, My God, and bring Justice!
Let the wicked be disgraced; let them lie silent in the grave.
May their lying lips be silenced.

I screamed:
Go away, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my crying!
The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly.

I heard:
Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

I read:
Don’t put your confidence in powerful people;
there is no help for you there.

I thought:
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?

I said:
Only by Your power can we push back our enemies; only in Your name can we trample our foes. It is You who gives us victory over our enemies; it is You who humbles those who hate us.

I asked:
Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart, that I may honor you.

When it’s FINISHED, what will it look like?
Unfailing love and truth have met together.
Righteousness and peace have kissed!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

So sorry..... disappoint you all.


Right now I have 2 really great blog posts running around in my head, but I can't seem to get them out on paper.

Problem when that happens is - No OTHER blog posts come out either.

PS: That means FLASHBACK Friday is takin' a week off.....