Wednesday, April 30, 2008

As some of you may know, I have recently been struggling with a hard situation in my professional life. Work seems to get more stressful by the day. I am having a difficult time trusting God, and His plan.

Over the last month, I have been following the blog of Angie Smith, she is married to Todd Smith, who sings for SELAH - a Christian group. She became pregnant last fall and was told her child would never survive outside her womb. Although the Dr's told her to terminate the pregnancy, she and Todd decided to carry the baby to term and TRUST God's plan. Her blog starts in January, and continues up through little Audrey's birth. In God's plan, He wanted her to live for 2 1/2 hours here on earth, so her parents could LOVE her. Over 40,000 people have followed her story online through Angie's blog. Out of these 40,000, the story of Jesus is being told, and people are being encouraged, etc.

The reason I haven't mentioned this before, is because I kinda thought that it was alot to READ - you know the whole story on the blog would take a whole day to read through. But today, I found a VIDEO version of their story, that churches are showing to their congregations. When you have 20 minutes, check it out.....

this is the video: Audrey's Video
this is Angie's blog: Angie's Blog

Wow - for me, it really put things into perspective. God always has THE plan. Not a POSSIBLE plan - THE plan. If I could just sit back and let Him follow through, without getting in the way.......


Erin said...

Yeah, sometimes it would be a little easier if we had a some more insight on THE Plan! But of course then we would probably try to interfere more than we already do. Boy I'm sure glad He's in Control!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and the difficult situation you are facing. Glad I found your blog.

SoulTattoo said...

So True... THE Plan -
Be encouraged Dear Friend, you are in my heart and on my mind and I pray for you and your family.