1. Yes, I am one of those people who just sent myself an email – because I haven’t received an email yet today……just need to make sure it’s working…..
2. So many things to say….yet, can’t think of a facebook status…..
3. DEAR MUSKEGON BRANNS: So you got a make-over….great, looks nice….however, for heaven’s sake, could you please finish painting the siding behind your new sign – as my annoyance has grown to such extremes that I have contemplated hiring someone to paint it myself.
4. Once again, find myself listening to interviews of people who want to be my next boss…..again…..wondering why they never get asked the question “why in the world would you want this job – do you have any idea how HARD it will be???.....maybe I should give the finalists a call…….
5. The silver lining peeking through all the dark clouds surrounding my head – I think someone told me tomorrow is Pajama Day……
6. So happy my husband is finally home….wait….he’s already gone……
7. Simply wondering about the pay scale difference between the STARBUCKS Marketing Exec and the SUBWAY Marketing Exec…..Hopefully, it’s a huge difference……that “Egyptian-type $5 footlong” song has GOT TO GO!!!!
8. Love Love Love the WINDY CITY….wish my best friend and I could live here forever!
9. Monopoly with the fam….here’s hopin’ Tyler’s new strategy doesn’t work!
10. Hmmmmm…..I get to sleep in the same bed as my husband for 5 days….a girl could get used to this.
11. *ill-gotten gain has no lasting value*
12. As I woke up this morning, and prayed for a miracle, there is only ONE thing that keeps going through my mind…..TRUST Mr. Ross’ Grandma!
13. My dad’s always told me….power rises up.
14. Dear God, our prayer tonight…..please give us our school back.
15. And if our God is for us…..then who could ever STOP us?
16. While my dog spent the last 2 days over at Grandmas for his “mini vacation”, a very cute baby bunny moved in to my fenced in back yard…….Dudley wants to eat it, I refuse to let him out.
17. For the first time in over a decade, I will NOT be running the over-under game at Field Day – INSTEAD, I have the incredible honor of taking MY OWN TEAM around today!!! Mrs. Fetterley, you better watch out, I’m shooting for 1st place!!!
18. Oh yeah! My team took 1st place in the annual Field Day! Much credit goes to my co-coach, Mr. C, and our 8th grade helper, Josh N.
19. Still shaking my head…..as I was finishing up a large mailing at the post office, a woman “who stood in line for 10 minutes to buy one stamp” asked the Postmaster, “this letter was supposed to be postmarked by yesterday, is there anyway you could back-date the postmark for me?”…….it took everything in me not to give her the *Kristie Cook, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”*
20. Spent the last 24 hours with my nephew Dominic. I heart him! My favorite quote of the day, “no, Aunt Kristie, I am not old yet! I am NEW!!.....”
21. Sitting outside the camper listening to the birds & the sound of my sweet 10 year old singing “How Great is Our God” inside the camper……
22. Out of pure curiosity …..how many white tank-tops would a person need to own before they would be required to attend “white tank-top anonymous” meetings??
23. In an effort to celebrate that the last load of “camping laundry” just got put in the dryer (after 2 days of non-stop laundry), I opened the double-stuff oreos…..to find there was only ONE left in the package……….can’t celebrate with just ONE oreo.
24. It was a complete mistake to tell my husband that the new security cameras outside of the school begin to “record” when they sense MOTION…….
25. The President just waved at us from his motorcade…..
26. Totally bummed that a 16GB flashdrive can really only hold 14.9GB’s……so, why isn’t it called a 14.9GB flashdrive?
27. Don’t know how I feel about the fact that my husband is building a “Man Room” in the garage…..so far – he has the 2x4’s up…….
28. Spending the evening wondering why I don’t drink alcohol……
29. Although I may type LOL to all of your status updates, I really only Laugh Out Loud at my 2 brothers updates……and in fact, sometimes I just keep right on laughing for hours after I read their updates…..they’re pretty much the only 2…….therefore, Im sorry for lying to all of you.
30. What has my life come to when I’m marinating my dinner in the van at the kid’s soccer practice…..
31. Got totally peer-pressured into joining my very first YOGA/PILATES class…..not sure if the instructor appreciated me offering my 2cents about everything she asked me to do…..oops.
32. Spending the day celebrating little Layna’s 1st birthday, watching my favorite boy play a kick-butt game of soccer, and writing the letter that I should’ve written two years ago……
33. Time to start taking apart the bridge…..now, only if it wasn’t made of pure cement.
34. Will spend my last day of work tomorrow wearing my favorite hat….don’t really care about the dress-code violation……
35. When a random person looks at you and says “Wow, you look happy!” – it seems to make you feel happier about the decision you made to make yourself happy…….
36. Lovin’ my new life and how much time I can spend within the warm, cozy walls of STARBUCKS!
37. Had the best birthday!! Complete with HUGS from Sunday School kids, the best present EVER from my Baby Sis, and a Hockey Game with my favorite Hockey Star!
38. While driving and daydreaming of Christmas Cookie decorations, I found myself in the STARBUCKS parking lot, as I had driven there out of habit….although I had a Venti CDL already in my hand…..oops.
39. Well, you know you’re addicted to STARBUCKS when your bummed that they are only closed on Christmas……sounds yummy tonight!!
40. Wow! Updating from my new macbook pro.....